
Monday, December 04, 2006

Maybe it's just me, but I think there should be a ban on using the words "Barack Obama" and "rock star" anywhere near each other.

Also, here's what I've been enjoying lately:

"The Crane Wife 1&2" by The Decemberists
"The Saints Are Coming" by U2 and Green Day
"Drive My Car/The Word/What You're Doing" by The Beatles (from the "Love" album)
"Last Christmas" by Jimmy Eat World
"Acquiesce" by Oasis


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Dzesika said...

Ohhh ... just heard that Decemberists album. So beautiful. Had only known 'Thought I was an Architect', and semi-liked it, but this: This redeems it. It's like sonic velour.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Yeah, it's definitely in my Top 10 for the year. Maybe No. 1. Glad you liked it. Give "Picaresque" a try if you haven't heard it. Hope all is well.


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